Sunday 8 July 2012

THE GOVERNMENT OUTLAWED MY BACKYARD CHICKENS! (UPDATED) What's up America? Are you old enough to remember backyard chickens and fresh eggs? Can you remember having a compost pile in the backyard that the chickens pecked through and kept the bug population in the yard under control? Do you remember all that rich chicken manure and that you never needed to buy any chemical fertilizers from the store? Kids today think that eggs come from the store. Chickens look like strange exotic animals to young children. Very few children ever get to chase a chicken around the coop or cuddle one in their arms. They never get to go to the nest and pick up the eggs for the kitchen. America is in a crisis! We are losing our top soil because of chemical fertilizers killing all the living worms and microbes in the soil. We are losing our heirloom tomatoes that were so red and juicy. They were sacrificed for some hybrid that was bred to be firm enough to ship across country. I called the county government to find out if I could have a backyard chickens. I wanted to start growing my own organic tomatoes. The ones that taste so rich and juicy. The more I learned about growing organic, the more I realized that 3 or 4 chickens would turn the whole yard into a fertile wonderland. I could even put the compost in their coop and they would peck and scratch and poop it into perfect fertile soil. I just wanted hens, so that there would be no roosters crowing. Hens have the quiet clucking sound that should be on those sound ...

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